Implementation of cognitive rehabilitation in psychiatric services: integration of cognitive remediation and psychosocial rehabilitation

G. Corrivetti, D. Caserta, C. Perna

Department of Mental Health, ASL “Salerno”, Italy


A critical review of Cognitive Remediation, applied to schizophrenic beginnings or stages of disease, has shown that cognitive remedies are more effective when applied at an early stage of the disease. Here is presented an experience conducted at the Center for the psychotic beginnings of the Department of Mental Health of the ASL “Salerno”.


The study evaluates the outcomes of a CogPack computerized cognitive training, for a period of 12 months, on 47 patients divided into three groups of young people diagnosed with the schizophrenic syndromic spectrum. The rehabilitated functions were sustained and selective attention, verbal memory, executive functions, coordination and psychomotor speed. The following areas were assessed: Clinical (PANSS, MMPI-2) Neuropsychological (WAIS-R, BACs, WCST), functional and psychosocial (HoNOS, VADO).


The neuropsychological functions affected by the intervention showed a significant improvement only in the first two groups, to which the “Cogpack” method was administered.


The positive outcomes in the patients who followed the CogPack cognitive training, remained stable in the 12 months following the end of the treatment. These first data confirm that the outcomes for those treatments of Cognitive Remedy appear more satisfactory in the context of a psychosocial rehabilitation program oriented to broader skills, as for the training of meta cognition and social competence.

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