Psychopatological severity index and dissociative symptomatology in a group of non-psychotic outpatients

Indici di gravità psicopatologica e sintomatologia dissociativa in una popolazione di pazienti ambulatoriali non psicotici

F. Macrì, M. Salviati, A. Provenzano, C. Melcore, S. Terlizzi, S. Campi, M.M. Moscariello, M. Biondi

Dipartimento di Neurologia e Psichiatria, Unità di Psichiatria Psicofarmacologia Clinica, S.P.D.C. Policlinico “Umberto I”, Sapienza Università di Roma


Dissociative symptoms are a set of symptoms frequently encountered in clinical practice, but they are often underestimated by many clinicians, who in the routine assessment of the patient underrate or not diagnose, emphasizing instead the importance of more classic and obvious symptoms, such as those related to the sphere of mood, anxiety or psychosis. In this way, dissociative symptoms often lose their descriptive complexity, although purely psychopathological, of the very complex clinical status that often underlie dissociative symptoms and dissociative dynamics. For these reasons, this study assessed psychopathological dimensions of mood and anxiety disorders in a transnosographic way. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate that dissociative symptoms, although placed in the diagnostic category of dissociative disorders, have a common thread that correlates with the main manifestations detected in routine clinical practice, and that they may be susceptible to intervention by the physician, even in a nonspecific way on the main symptom, not dissociative, that is treated.

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