Acute cognitive and psychomotor impairment in a patient taking forty different herbal products and dietary supplements: a case report

M. Maiello, M.G. Carbone, L. Dell’Osso, M. Simoncini, M. Miniati

Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy

The use of dietary supplements and herbal medicines is spreading across many developed countries. Although patients without specific problems can administer most, relevant toxicities might occur with a reckless use of dietary supplements, especially when psychiatric or medical comorbidities are present. Limited research is available on these compounds. We describe the case of a suspected intoxication due to a reckless use of a number of dietary supplements and herbal medicines (forty different compounds) in a patient with a history of recurrent depression and gromerulonephritis, hospitalized for acute cognitive and psychomotor impairments. 

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