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Violence against healthcare workers is a problem of global significance and represents a phenomenon that has been growing rapidly in recent years for the healthcare professions. The aim of the present study was to investigate if there were any associations between anxiety and depression conditions in Italian psychiatric nurses who received a physical or verbal aggression and, additionally if the safety perception levels influenced their anxiety and depression conditions, too.
All Italian nurses who worked in an Italian psychiatric setting with at least 6 months of work experience were enrolled from March 2017 to December 2019.
As regards anxiety and depression conditions associated to physical and verbal aggressions suffered from Italian psychiatric nurses, data suggested statistically significant associations to physical and verbal aggressions suffered and anxiety and depressions conditions reported. Finally, as regards security level perceptions and anxiety and depression conditions, data reported statistically significant associations between security level perceptions and anxiety and depression levels registered, as: psychiatric nurses who perceived their work environments more secure, less registered an anxiety or depression disorder, respectively.
From the data recorded, a safe nursing work environment has gained great attention because it was an essential element that influenced physical, psychological, and social health conditions.



Elsa Vitale - Centre of Mental Health, Modugno, Local Health Company Bari, Italy

Roberto Lupo - San Giuseppe da Copertino Hospital, Copertino, Lecce, Italy

Antonino Calabrò - Nuovo Ospedale degli Infermi, Local Health Authority Biella, Italy

Luana Conte - Laboratory of Biomedical Physics and Environment, Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi”, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy; Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Research Applied to Medicine (DReAM), University of Salento and Local Health Authority, Lecce, Italy

How to Cite
Vitale, E., Lupo, R., Calabrò, A. and Conte, L. 2022. Psycho-health effects in Italian psychiatric nurses suffering from aggressions in their work environments. Journal of Psychopathology. 28, 3 (Sep. 2022). DOI:
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